Can You Help a Walton Student?
Cobb County funds only a small portion of the annual expense of running our wonderful Walton Orchestras program. The general operating budget of Walton Orchestras is which is used to purchase music and instruments as well as to pay competition fees and clinicians.
To assist in meeting this budget our Booster club, the Walton Raider Orchestra Guild Inc. coordinates several fundraisers.
Easy Ways to Contribute
Through our fundraising programs, students not only assist the orchestra in reaching its general operation budget but they can also earn funds which can be used to offset costs for trips and fees.
- Orchestra Patron Program
The Orchestra Patron Program is the Orchestra’s largest annual fundraiser, providing much of the needed funding for our program. Listings from businesses and families are published in our concert program. Any student obtaining $100.00 or more in total sales qualifies to attend a special breakfast on Friday, September 20th! For more information please see these documents:
24-25 Patron Community Information Sheet
24-25 Patron Program Student Sheet
Our current sponsor list can be found linked from the navigation menu on the left. Patron listings are due by September 3, 2024. Protected period is until August 23, 2024.
Become a Patron at this Link: h
- Publix Partners
Publix donates a percentage of the total sale to the Orchestra’s general fund. Please watch the video on how to link to our account! - Donations:
In addition to the general operating budget, a student’s family should anticipate paying annual orchestra fees and banquet tickets. Trips necessitate additional costs.
Lastly, there are numerous business/corporations that have matching gift programs. If you or someone you know would like to make a contribution to WROG, please contact Sara Grimes: [email protected]